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Trademark / Brand Name Class(es)
Q LETTER +cartoons & square 9
cartoons 30
R&C RAT & CAT +cartoons 25
RA +cartoons 11
RACHMOLA +cartoons 30
RAGINI +cartoons 31
RAJ ENJOY SCHOOL +cartoons 30
RAJ HALF CUPS +cartoons 30
RAJ JUNGLE JUNGLE +cartoons 30
RAJ KHCHAR PACHAR +cartoons 30
RAJANI AAM CHATKA +cartoons 30
RAJI SARBAT +cartoons 32
RAJSI MIX FRUIT +cartoons 30
RAKMIN GOLD +cartoons 31
RAMPSY +cartoons & circles 5
RASA THE ESSENCE +cartoons 43
RASMOLA +cartoons 5
RASNA +cartoons 32
RASNA TOINK +cartoons 30
RASNA TONIK +cartoons 29
READERS ADDA +cartoons 38
READY STEADY COOK +cartoons 9, 16, 25, 28, 35, 38, 41
REAL mexican +cartoons 30
cartoons 30
REGGIO CHILDREN +cartoons 9, 16, 41
RIAL GOLD +stars & cartoons 3
RIO liquid blue +cartoons 3
RITIKA'S yoyo +cartoons 30
cartoons 30
RJ AARJAY +cartoons 30
ROBOVAC +cartoons 42
ROBOVACENZO +cartoons 11
ROLI MOLI +cartoons 30
ROM FREE +cartoons 16
ROSHNI MOTU-PATLU +cartoons 30
ROYALE BABY +cartoons 25
RUHI CRUNCHES +cartoons 30
S.R. ZOOM CHACKRI +cartoons 30
S36 +ball hand & cartoons 25, 35
SAAKSHRAM +cartoons & circl 41
SAB KA MELA +cartoons 35, 38
cartoons 5
SAMRAT SALIM imli +cartoons 30
SANDYA SLATE +cartoons 16
SANTE 2007 SHIRAZ +cartoons 33
SARAL SWADISHT +cartoons 31
cartoons 16
SCHOOL FRIEND +cartoons 25
SCHOOL JUMP +cartoons 25
SCHYLERS JUNIOR +cartoons 41
SEKAR EMPORIUM +cartoons 24
SESAME STREET +cartoons 3
SHALOM MAGIC BALL +cartoons 30
SHANI MUH NOCHVA +cartoons 30
cartoons 41
SHIKARI SHAMBU +cartoons 16
SHINCHAN +cartoons 3, 9, 14, 16, 18, 20, 24, 25, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 38, 41, 42
SHINE N GO +cartoons 37
SHIVA GOLD +cartoons & bird 19
SHREE NATH PLY +cartoons 19
SHREEMOLA +cartoons 5
SHUBHI'S aam maza +cartoons 30
cartoons 29
SILLY SOX +cartoons & oval 41
SINGLA'S CHAMCHA +cartoons 30
SION SAPORI +cartoons 43
SIS PREP +cartoons & circle 41
SITARO KI DUNIYA +cartoons 5, 30
SKF DAMINI MOGLI +cartoons 30
SMALL WONDER +cartoons 16, 41
SMILEY +cartoons 16
SNOW FALL +drop & cartoons 3
SOFI'S JASSI +cartoons 30
SPACE BUDDIES +cartoons 3
SPACE FESTIVAL +cartoons 41
SPARKY & BRIGHT +cartoons 28
SPEAK O BOOK +cartoons 16
SPELL 'A' SAURUS +cartoons 41
SPELL-O-FUN +cartoons 41
SRIMOLA +cartoons 5, 30
SS +cartoons & oval 19
SS VADAPAV +cartoons 30
SSHUP +cartoons 29, 30
STAR FOODS +cartoons square 30
STAR pure snacks +cartoons 30
STOP SMILE LAUGH +cartoons 18
SUMO FLICK PIKNIK +cartoons 30
SUN FLOWER +cartoons 41
SUN KIDDO +cartoons 30
SUN N DALE +cartoons & sun 41
SUPER BOLL +cartoons 30
SUPER K +cartoons of boy 16
SUPER RACER ENZY +cartoons 9, 16, 25, 28, 35, 41
SUPER k +cartoons of boy 25, 30
TABBY BOY +cartoons 7
TABU TOYS WORLD +cartoons 28
cartoons 30
TAPOVAN PET-MOLA +cartoons 30
TAPPY LIL TOTS +cartoons 41
TARAFAH +cartoons 21
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